Laura Dowling - Guide and Co-Founder of Canadian Rockies Experience

Laura Dowling

Laura is the co-owner and professional guide at Canadian Rockies Experience.

Laura’s journey started with a degree in Sports Science & Biology in England and led her into a career as a Phys Ed. teacher in the Irish Prison System.

In 2011, Laura took a career break from her job and decided to travel the world and discover what else was out there. Spending time in Australia and New Zealand gave her a new perspective on life and introduced new opportunities. Arriving in Calgary in January 2014, was quiet the shock with the -20°C temperatures.

Laura is an IGA professional guide with 4 seasons group management and is also Certified in Wilderness first aid.

Darrell Menduk

Darrell Menduk

Darrell is the co-owner of Canadian Rockies Experience. Darrell and Laura are married and found the perfect fit in running a business they are both passionate about.

Darrell was born in British Columbia, Canada. He is an expert in nature having grown up surrounded by wilderness and spending his free time hiking and biking in the mountains.

Darrell is passionate about giving guests a top class experience regardless of age or ability. Darrell constantly increases his knowledge and is passionate about the Mountain environment he lives in.

Darrell is an IGA apprentice guide with Wilderness First Aid Training.


Andrew is an IGA professional interpreter and ACMG apprentice hiking guide. Andrew joined our team in May 2022.

Arriving in Canada from south-east England in 2014, Andrew quickly traded his quaint, countryside village for the rugged, endless peaks of the Canadian Rockies. An avid hiker and outdoorsman, he soon found a home in the bustling tourist town of Banff, Alberta and decided that a career in the outdoor tourism was the way forward.

Utilising his academic background in British colonial history, he soon expanded his knowledge base to cover the geology and ecology of the mountains.

Now a Banff local, Andrew enjoys exploring the mountains in all seasons - whether that be with a pair of hiking boots or a pair of snowshoes - and is always looking to expand his knowledge of the local area through the best learning method there is: experience.


Tony is an IGA certified hiking guide and joined the Canadian Rockies Experience team in May 2023

Tony Esteves has over a decade of expertise in showcasing the stunning Canadian Rockies. He brings a global perspective through visits to 40 countries.

He is the author of, "Talk2MorePeople: Change Your Life by Meeting People” which guides readers how to step away from screens and embrace face-to-face connections. 

A master of communication, Tony speaks English and Japanese and is proficient in Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. He served the world leaders during the G8 Summit in Kananaskis in 2001, a testament to his exceptional customer service skills, and he is also a performing artist.

Tony takes immense pride in extending that same level of excellence to discerning guests. He ensures that every luxury tour under his guidance is not just an expedition but a seamless and unforgettable experience. 

Join Tony Esteves on a journey where luxury meets adventure, and let him unveil the splendours of the Canadian Rockies in a way that transcends expectations.


Candela is an IGA apprentice guide and assists with out things office!

Candela joined the Canadian Rockies Experience team in the summer of 2024.

Candela, originally from Córdoba, Argentina, has been driven by a deep curiosity for learning and exploring since childhood. She began studying English at a young age, knowing it would one day open doors to the world.

After earning two bachelor’s degrees—one in Tourism Management and another in English Translation—she spent three years living and traveling in New Zealand and Australia before eventually making her home in the stunning Canadian Rockies.

Now based in Canmore, Candela works as an Administrative and Operations Assistant and is also an IGA Apprentice Interpreter. She is grateful to connect people to the breathtaking beauty of the Rockies, helping them experience and appreciate this incredible place.


Jasmine is an IGA hiking guide and qualified as a Wilderness First aider.

Born and raised in the Bow Valley, Jasmine developed a passion for nature and the outdoors from a young age.  Growing up among the Canadian Rockies, with her parents as custodians for the Alpine Club of Canada in Canmore, she was immersed in community of global travelers drawn to the region's beauty.

Jasmine studied Kinesiology and worked in the realms of health, fitness and education until she stepped into guiding in 2011. She worked for an active travel company, taking guests on luxury week-long cycling and hiking tours throughout Europe and Canada.

Jasmine now works full time as a registered massage therapist but still loves to share the beauty and splendor of the Canadian Rockies with visitors from all corners the globe. She aspires to forge lasting connections between people and the landscapes they explore and to facilitate experiences that will become etched as lifelong memories.


Simmi is an IGA hiking guide with Wilderness First Aid.

Raising my family, 2 kids and a dog, and living in Canmore for over 30 years, I feel so lucky to share my passion for mountain life with visitors from all over the world.

My initial love of the mountains started when I was living in Switzerland attending University. When I returned to Canada, I spent 10 years in Montreal followed by moving out West, as the mountains were calling.

A licensed Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner, I coach patients on finding optimal health and how to integrate body, mind and spirit. My latest project is a signature course designed to help women prepare and find relief as they transition through menopause. Taking the time to be in nature heals us on all levels.


Chris is an IGA certified hiking guide with Wilderness First Aid training and paramedic qualifications.

Chris was born in England and grew up in an active family. At an early age she moved to the European Alps for the love of the mountains and has never really left them.  She spent 14 years living in New Zealand and traveling various parts of the world and has now made her home in Canmore, Canada.

Using her background in outdoors adventures and local knowledge Chris has been a tour guide in the local area since 2023.  Prior to moving to Canada, she was a Paramedic and SAR member in New Zealand for 10 years and enjoys caring and helping people.

Chris is a passionate outdoors enthusiast who, in her free time, can be found hiking, biking and rock climbing in the local area. She is keen to share her knowledge, continue learning and meet incredible people on the way.


Jeff is an IGA Professional Interpreter, Four-Season Hiking Guide and Advanced Adventure Medic. He holds an MA in Environmental History from the University of Calgary.

Raised in southern Alberta, Jeff began exploring the trails and history of the Rocky Mountains during the early 1990s. If his bookshelf is any indication, he is most drawn to the stories of the first mountaineers.

As a guide, Jeff is continually learning and he encourages his guests to make connections between species of flora and fauna, between historical time periods and between nature and their own lives. 

He loves wildflowers – his favourite is spotted saxifrage – and always has a field guide at the ready. Ask him about that wildflower in the meadow or along the lakeshore. Together you just might identify a wildflower that is new to both of you.

As a passionate long-distance backpacker, Jeff has hiked the length of numerous long trails including, among others, the Great Divide Trail, the Arizona Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail. The Appalachian Trail is next on his list.  

Jeff is an IGA Professional Interpreter, Four-Season Hiking Guide and Advanced Adventure Medic. He holds an MA in Environmental History from the University of Calgary.


Matt is and IGA hiking guide, 4 Season Hiking Guide and has Advanced Wilderness First Aid.

Matt Grew up in the South East of England. At an early age took a special interest in Wild Animals and Landscapes.  Moved to the north of England in 2015 and spent a lot of time in the Snowdonia mountain range and the Highlands of Scotland. 

This passion continued and he became an ultra marathon runner, running through mountain ranges in Europe, and the UK, exploring and navigating. 

He moved to beautiful Canmore in May 2024 to guide as much as possible and share his experience and knowledge of trails and landscapes and how nature is connected to us all 

Wolves are his favorite animal and he has spent a lot of time with them learning about their way of life and gaining a deep understanding of their social hierarchy

Matt is a Wilderness First responder, Ice swimming trainer and trail running specialist. 


Laurie is an IGA hiking Guide

Laurie is new to the team in 2024.

Laurie has made Banff her home for nearly four decades. She is passionate about all aspects of mountain living; environment, culture, art, sport, community and people. She loves to explore the mountains by foot and on skis.

An avid mountain women, Laurie has lots of great stories about her explorations and an indepth knowledge of the area.

As a new interpretive guide she is excited to share her passion and knowledge with visitors.